Create top players with the plugin LeaderHeads

Setting up a placeholder with the variables:

  • referralsystem_points
  • referralsystem_referrals

Setting up signs:

  • Install PlaceholderAPI or MVdWPlaceholderAPI.
  • Run the command /leaderheads enable <statistic> .
    • <statistic> : the name of your statistic. (%referralsystem_points% or %referralsystem_referrals%).
    • Use the percent symbol (%) for PlaceholderAPI and square brackets ({}) for MVdWPlaceholder.
  • Example command: /leaderheads enable %referralsystem_points%
  • Place down a sign at the position you want to use it. You don’t need to write anything on the sign.LeaderHeads Setup
  • While looking at the sign you placed, use the command /leaderheads setsign <statistic> <rank> [type] 
    • <statistic> : The name of your statistic. (%referralsystem_points% or %referralsystem_referrals%).
    • <rank> – Is the rank in the leaderboard that you want to show on this sign. This is the position of the player in the leaderboard, for example 1.
    • [type] – Is the type of leaderboard you want. This indicates whether we want for example a leaderboard showing the weekly top players or just the alltime top players. The options are: alltime, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. This argument is optional and will default to alltime.
  • Example command: /leaderheads setsign %referralsystem_points% 1 alltime LeaderHeads Setup

Setting up armorstands:

  • Follow the steps in the Setting up signs tutorial. You need to have a sign active to link an armorstand.
  • While looking at the sign you placed, use the command /leaderheads armorstand [size].
    • [size] is the size of the armorstand that will be placed.
    • Options: small, big. This argument is optional and will default to small.
  • Example command: /leaderheads armorstand small.LeaderHeads Setup

Setting up Citizens:

  • Install Citizens. It is recommended to use the latest version.
  • Follow the steps in the Setting up signs tutorial. You need to have a sign active to link an NPC.
  • While standing on top of the block that the sign is connected to, execute the command /npc create LeaderHeads. The name of the NPC will change once the leaderboard is updated. You can use /npc type to change the type of the NPC.LeaderHeads Setup

Setting up holograms with HolographicDisplays:

  • Install PlaceholderAPI.
  • Run the command /leaderheads enable <statistic> .
    • <statistic> : the name of your statistic. (%referralsystem_points% or %referralsystem_referrals%).
    • Use the percent symbol (%) for PlaceholderAPI and square brackets ({}) for MVdWPlaceholder.
  • Example command: /leaderheads enable %referralsystem_points%
  • Install HolographicDisplays. You can use a development build for support on newer Spigot versions.
  • Install HolographicExtension.
  • Install ProtocolLib. Make sure to install the recommended build for your version.
  • You can now set up HolographicDisplays like you normally would and use the LeaderHeads PlaceholderAPI placeholders in the lines of your hologram.
  • Shows the name of the player with %leaderheads_name_<statistic>_<time>_<rank>%.
  • Shows the value of the player with %leaderheads_value_<statistic>_<time>_<rank>%.
    • <statistic> : the name of your statistic, but without any %, { or } characters. (referralsystem_points or referralsystem_referrals)
    • <time> : which timetype of the leaderboard to show. Options: alltime, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
    • <rank> : which rank in the leaderboard to show. Must be a number.
  • You will need to include a refresh holder at the start of your line to make sure the placeholders update. These are the options: {fastest}, {fast}, {medium}, {slow}, {slowest}. More information can be found on the HolographicExtension resource page.
  • Example: «{fast}&e1 – %leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1% – %leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1
  • Here’s an example database.yml file from HolographicDisplays:
      location: lobby, -725.711, 59.200, 219.704
        - '&amp;eTop Referrals'
        - '{fast}&amp;e1 - &amp;6%leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1% &amp;f- &amp;b%leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1%'
        - '{fast}&amp;e2 - &amp;6%leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_2% &amp;f- &amp;b%leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_2%'
        - '{fast}&amp;e3 - &amp;6%leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_3% &amp;f- &amp;b%leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_3%'

    LeaderHeads Setup

Setting up holograms with Holograms:

  • Install PlaceholderAPI.
  • Run the command /leaderheads enable <statistic> .
    • <statistic> : the name of your statistic. (%referralsystem_points% or %referralsystem_referrals%).
    • Use the percent symbol (%) for PlaceholderAPI and square brackets ({}) for MVdWPlaceholder.
  • Example command: /leaderheads enable %referralsystem_points%
  • Install Holograms.
  • Install Holograms-Placeholders.
  • Install ProtocolLib. Make sure to install the recommended build for your version.
  • You can now set up HolographicDisplays like you normally would and use the LeaderHeads PlaceholderAPI placeholders in the lines of your hologram.
  • Shows the name of the player with %leaderheads_name_<statistic>_<time>_<rank>%.
  • Shows the value of the player with %leaderheads_value_<statistic>_<time>_<rank>%.
    • <statistic> : the name of your statistic, but without any %, { or } characters. (referralsystem_points or referralsystem_referrals)
    • <time> : which timetype of the leaderboard to show. Options: alltime, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
    • <rank> : which rank in the leaderboard to show. Must be a number.
  • Example: %leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1% – %leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1%
  • Here’s an example database.yml file from Holograms:
         location: world;-147.7390153955581;73.53292827534491;268.5887224348062;65.54988;210.79431
             - '&amp;eTop Referrals'
             - '&amp;e1 - &amp;6%leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1% &amp;f- &amp;b%leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_1%'
             - '&amp;e2 - &amp;6%leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_2% &amp;f- &amp;b%leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_2%'
             - '&amp;e3 - &amp;6%leaderheads_name_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_3% &amp;f- &amp;b%leaderheads_value_referralsystem_referrals_alltime_2%'

    LeaderHeads Setup

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