This file contains the settings for chats.

The chat.yml file contains a list of configuration nodes for each chat format.

  • mod:
    command: modchat
    alias: mc
    permission: staffchat.mod
    format: '&f[&9MOD Chat&f] &6%world% &a%player%&f: &e%message%'
  • staff:
    command: staffchat
    alias: sc
    permission: staffchat.staff
    format: '&f[&b&lStaff Chat&f] &6%world% &a%player%&f: &e%message%'
  • mapmaker:
    command: mapmakerchat
    alias: mapc
    permission: staffchat.mapmaker
    format: '&f[&6MapMaker Chat&f] &6%world% &a%player%&f: &e%message%'
  • admin:
    command: adminchat
    alias: ac
    permission: staffchat.admin
    format: '&f[&cADMIN Chat&f] &6%world% &a%player%&f: &e%message%'
  • vip:
    command: vipchat
    alias: cvip
    format: '&f[&5MPL Chat&f] &6%world% &a%player%&f: &e%message%'

Chat format nodes configuration.


  • Any string value.
  • Example: modchat
  • The name of the command to enter the chat.


  • Any string value.
  • Example: mc
  • The alias of the command to enter the chat.


  • Any string value.
  • Example: staffchat.mod
  • The permission to see and use the chat.


  • Any string value.
  • Example: &f[&9MOD Chat&f] &6%world% &a%player%&f: &e%message%
  • The format that the chat will have.

To create more elements, simply copy the previous one and paste it in an empty place.